To Vote or Not to Vote

elections canada

With an upcoming federal election, I have to determine if I will vote. If I decide to vote, then I must figure out why I am voting and who best supports my political views.

The Right to Vote

As a democratic society, in Canada we are given the right to choose if we want to vote. Statistically in every federal election many Canadians choose to exercise this right and do not vote. I find myself asking why people, myself sometimes included choose not to vote. While some people say its because they do not follow politics others say that they simply don’t have time on election day. But with all candidates debates and advanced polls the excuses seem pointless.

Is There Truth in Election Marketing?

Then there is the election marketing. It seems to break all the rules. Political comments are usually taken way out of context and skewed in a way that only really benefits the campaign that paid for it. The baseless voteaccusations mount and clouds your judgement. Its hard to even know who means what they say and if they will follow through with the promises made.

My Thoughts

From personal experience I can say that sometimes I find that there is a disconnect between the federal party leaders and the local representatives. I have gone to a local all candidates meeting and have been surprised by how the representatives present themselves and the issues in relation to the party views promoted by the federal leader. So then I am faced with a challenge. Do I choose the local representative that seems to care more about the issues in our local area, or another federal party whose platform I identify with most, even if I don’t think that candidate is right for Prime Minister?                  

So really from now until election day the hard work is mine. I have to become informed and make a decision that is right for me, knowing that as Canadians we have to responsibility to make a change and let our voice be heard.

For more information regarding the October 19th election you can visit the Elections Canada website here.

Will you be voting?