

Improbable Escapes provides players with an immersive group activity that tests their minds and builds teamwork. This campaign was developed to encourage Improbable Escapes customers who have played a escape room to return to the main location and to also capture more individuals from two other segments; college and university students and tourists. Given the diverse segments, our team developed two offers as solutions to the current problem. The first offer was a an escape room league and the second offer was a promotional discount given in the form of a postcard given to tourists at a pop-up location. Leagues are a collaborative, inclusive, and competitive way to attract students to play repeat games.

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catitude cover mock up

The Purpose of this project was to develop an e-commerce website for a brand new company. The company Catitude is an online pet supply subscription service. The goal was to promote the brand as a company that celebrates the unique personalities that cats have. The tone of the content created was humorous with a sarcastic undertone. The solution was to offer several purchasing options and incorporating a community page with testimonials, a blog and infographics.

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